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  • Writer's pictureHayley Tart

Best of British Asparagus

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

We work a lot with Asparagus growers so here's a little bit of background about it.

Asparagus are the young shoots of a cultivated lily plant.

It is grown in raised beds covered by a combination of black and white fleece tunnels over each bed to increase the plants core temperature.

The substrate is also covered on the sides with a black ground cover and a very thin black membrane to protect the spears from the cold whilst capturing and retaining heat from any winter sunshine.

The substrate warms up quicker than the soil and a layer of sand over the soil gives two benefits.

  1. Maintains soil temperature

  2. Allows the spears to emerge easier and clean of any soil.

Its a labour of love.

Each spear is harvested by hand when it reaches just the right height.

A cool, crisp spring that is not too wet or to dry is needed for a great crop.

Did you know:

British Asparagus can grow up to 10cm in one day.

A popular vegetable.

Asparagus continues to rise in popularity and I can understand why.

Its a delicious vegetable that can be boiled, steamed, grilled, roasted, and a personal favourite of mine Barbequed.

It's extremely healthy, containing Vitamin K, essential for health blood clotting, Vitamin C, to boost your immune system and is believed to help detoxify the body. Try some after a heavy night, it maybe the new hangover cure you've always wanted.

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